Saturday, October 16, 2021

Diablo 2 Resurrected

 Diablo 2 Resurrected

I played Diablo 2 when I was younger and actually enjoyed the game.  Then they recently came out with a re-worked version in the Resurrected one.  I played the Beta test and I was not as thrilled.  I would have expected them to have done more upgrades and changes to fix issues the game had before but it looks like they didn't.  You still have the same rubber-banding that happened before where you would be plugging right along and next thing you knew you were jumped back 100 feet.  I did record game play for almost all of act 1 but I was unable to complete it as I work a regular job too and didn't have the time to actually play more. 

If you want to watch my play through you can visit